Се отвора Ајфеловата Кула за посетителите, но лифотвите остануваат надвор од употреба. Сакате на врвот? ... ќе морате пешки по скали. Знаете што? Паметно!
  Објавено на

Се отвора Ајфеловата Кула за посетителите, но лифотвите остануваат надвор од употреба. Сакате на врвот? ... ќе морате пешки по скали. Знаете што? Паметно!

Додека да се искачите по 1665 скали до врвот за кое ќе ви требаат помеѓу 35 и 45 минути, ќе согорите калории и уништите куп патогерни бацили во себе и се детоксифицирате максимално. Затоа, поддршка за ова, само напред. 

Ова е оној периоод кога викаа светот на малдите останува - старците дома, они распрскани насекаде!


🇫🇷 J'aurai le plaisir de vous accueillir à nouveau à partir du 25 juin ! 😃 Des mesures particulières sont mises en place pour assurer votre sécurité 👇

🇬🇧 I'll be glad to welcome you again from June 25th! 😃Specific measures are put in place to ensure your safety 👇


Workers at the Parisian landmark, which looms 324 metres (1,062 feet) over the French capital, were on Wednesday making preparations to re-open on June 25, after three months of shutdown. It has been the site’s longest period out of action since World War Two.

Managers said they hoped to get operations fully back to normal later in the summer. In the meantime, a series of safety measures will be in place.

Visitors will not be able to go any higher than the second level of the tower, and until the start of July access will be only via the staircases. The elevators, with their confined space, represent a risk of disease transmission.

There will also be a one-way traffic system in force on the staircases, and all visitors over the age of 11 will be required to wear a face covering.


A stringent cleaning operation is in place and will continue daily from next week.

“There is a new protocol,” said Eiffel Tower hygiene consultant Alain Miralles. “The day cleaning teams will be able to clean all the points of contact every two hours, from the opening of the site to its closing.”


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