Експлозија на бомба во Истанбул
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 Експлозија на бомба во Истанбул

Експлозијата се случила во преполна улица која е шопинг дестинација и на туристите кои доаѓаат во Истанбул. Бројот на мртви засега е 6 за преку 50 се повредени.

Претседателот Ердоган изјави дека причината за експлозијата најверојатно е терористички напад и дека напаѓачите ќе бидат фатени и казнети

Mobile footage caught the moment an explosion went off on a busy street in Istanbul

The blast killed six people and inured 53, as footage from the scene shows several bodies strewn on ground (pictured)

 An explosion on Istanbul's popular pedestrian Istiklal Avenue killed six people and injured more than 50, as President Erdogan hinted it may have been a terrorist attack.

A video posted online showed flames erupting and a loud bang, as pedestrians turned and ran away.

The avenue, which is lined by shops and restaurants, was packed with tourists and locals when the blast occurred at around 4:20pm local time (1:20pm GMT). 

Other footage showed several bodies strewn on ground after the explosion and debris scattered across the street.

Four people died at the scene, while two died in hospital - it is feared casualty numbers will increase overnight.

The cause of the blast is not clear and it has not been confirmed if it was a terrorist attack.

Turkish President Recep Tayyib Erdogan denounced the incident as 'a vile attack' and said the perpetrators would be punished.

In a televised statement he said: 'Our nation should be sure that the perpetrators of the incident on Istiklal Street will be punished as they deserve.

'We cannot say for sure that it is a terror attack but there is a smell of it as far as I know. There is a woman who has taken part in the incident.'

He added: 'Efforts to take over Turkey and the Turkish nation through terrorism will not reach its goal.' 




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